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Formal Written Cover Letter For Job Application

Need Help Writing a Cover Letter?

Step-by-Step Guide to a Standout Cover Letter


Without a well-crafted cover letter, your resume might get discarded before even being considered. This guide will provide eight easy steps, complete with examples and templates, to create a cover letter that showcases your worth and secures you that much-needed job interview.

8 Steps to a Winning Cover Letter

  1. Personalize Your Letter: Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name, showing that you've done your research.
  2. Include the Right Information: Structure your letter with a clear heading, address, salutation, and three targeted paragraphs.
  3. Highlight Your Skills and Experience: Focus on the skills and experience most relevant to the job requirements.
  4. Quantify Your Accomplishments: Use specific numbers and metrics to demonstrate your impact at previous roles.
  5. Tailor Your Letter to the Job: Customize each letter to the specific job you're applying for, addressing the key requirements.
  6. Proofread Carefully: Ensure your letter is free of errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
  7. Use a Professional Template: Consider using a pre-designed template to maintain a clean and professional layout.
  8. Include a Call to Action: End your letter with a call to action, such as requesting an interview or expressing interest in further discussion.

Additional Tips

  • Keep it concise: Aim for around 250-300 words.
  • Use a formal tone: Maintain a professional voice throughout your letter.
  • Seek feedback: Ask a friend, family member, or career counselor to review your letter before submitting it.


By following these steps, you'll create a cover letter that showcases your skills, highlights your experience, and increases your chances of securing that coveted job interview. Remember, a well-written cover letter is an essential tool in your job search arsenal.
